2024, bronze


Dies ist eine neue Serie von 4 Bronzen, die dieses Jahr für die Ausstellung EINZEITWESEN im URMU Blaubeuren geschaffen wurden. Sie wurden im Hauptraum des Museums, dem sogenannten MAMMA-RAUM, ausgestellt, der normalerweise den ältesten jemals entdeckten Venusfund, die VENUS VON HOHLE FELS ganz alleine beherbergt. Sie wird auf ein Alter von 42.000 Jahren geschätzt.


CONSCIOUSNESS is a series of 13 bronzen that have taken shape in 2023.


The new series of 7 phallus shaped bronze sculptures. Six are of a similar size as the archaeological finds from 1400-800 BC, such as the Berlin Gold Hat, the Golden Cone of Ezelsdorf-Buch or the Avanton Gold Cone. One of the new interpretations is 1,60m high.


PUSSY POWER comes along in a fluorescent pink.   


A series of 5 colorful bronze sculptures – one magenta, four turquoise. Two figures telling stories of a love tango – depicted as a dance on a mast. Inspired by the coal drawing BOAT DETAIL by Danish painter and graphic artist Mia Sloth Møller.


Vogler’s new series of ULTRASCULPTURES, a series of life-size, amorphously shaped bronze busts and fetish-like figures, takes us on a journey into free association with the humanoid figure.



Dancing in front of us are strange beings – interesting, but alien. At first sight, the bronze figures appear to be incomplete; they are missing limbs, even heads, which may well account for their otherness.



Dittmar’s Brothers exist as an edition of 7+2ap in nine bronze versions. The “brothers” love traveling and live in different parts of the world. Therefore each bronze cast has it’s own photo series – DITTMAR’S BROTHER’S TRAVELS


“Up to now the Meninas are a series of 8 large standing sculptures inspired by a painting of the same name by Diego Velázquez. This is one of the best known and most discussed paintings in art history.


“Fabian Vogler’s figures must be considered as archetypes. On the one hand he is deliberately playing with the familiar, conventional canon of forms, he bestows titles to his works and puts them into a historical context. Though, on the other hand, he wants to show the objective metaphysical reality.


“Images of idols are deeply rooted in people. In this instance, the artist mentions the Venus of Willendorf and also the works of Constanstin Brancusi. Brancusi reduces his pieces of art to elemental forms, to a core shape. This introduces abstraction and “primitivism” into sculptural art.


There are various series on the topic of heads, “Köpfe”. By following the link, you can get an overview.

Die Regentrude von Breklum von Fabian Vogler


Sculpture path | Breklum | Nordfriesland



SUNTE OLUF. A sculpture by Fabian Vogler after the Norwegian legend. Breklumer Kunst- und Kulturverein. pictus verlag. 2024.  Broschure. 40 pages. ger

Fabian Vogler. TRANSITION. Sculptures from the In-Between 2018-2022. pictus verlag. 2023 .Softcover. 200 pages. eng|ger. ISBN 978-3-949674-02-0

Fabian Vogler. IMAGO pictus verlag. 2018. Softcover. 64 pages. eng|ger. ISBN 978-927212-91-6

DIE REGENTRUDE VON BREKLUM. A sculpture by Fabian Vogler after Theodor Storm’s fairy tale. Breklumer Kunst- und Kulturverein. pictus verlag.  2016. Broschure. 40 pages. ger. ISBN 978-3-927212-86-3

Fabian Vogler. PERFEKTE IMPERFEKTION Skulpturs and reliefs 2011-2015 pictus verlag. 2015. Hardcover. 260 pages. eng|ger. ISBN 978-3-927212-81-7


2018 Katinka Schweizer und Fabian Vogler (Hg.). Die Schönheiten des Geschlechts. Intersex im Dialog Campus Verlag. Hardcover. 424 Seiten. deu. ISBN 978-3-593-50888-7


Jahrbuch fĂĽr Psychoanalyse. Band 87 INTUITION. Psychosozial-Verlag. 2023. ISSN 0075-2363

WO KULTUR ENTSTEHT. WIE KULTUR GELINGT. mioq &  Cornelia Regelsberger. hyperzine verlag. 2023. ISBN 978-3-948127-33-6

DEN BEVÆGEDE KUFFERT. Seven degrees of freedom. BAK Lübeck. 2022

PERSPEKTIVEN DER SEXUALFORSCHUNG. Peer Briken (HG). Psychosozial-Verlag. 2022. ISBN 978-3-8379-2918-8

POCKET HOUSE. SMALL LIVING. WILD THINKING. Valentina Casacchia. press_press_milano. 2022

NORDFRIESLAND – VON EINST BIS JETZT. Thomas Steensen. Verlag: Husum. 2022. ISBN 9783967170726

Das Dritte Geschlecht. Ursula Rosen. Praxis Politik 1-2019. Westermann. 2019. ISNN 1860-255X

Wo Kunst entsteht. Hayo Heye und Jens Martin Neumann. KĂĽnstlerateliers in Schleswig-Holstein. 2018. ISBN 978-30-00592-03-4

Zur Bedeutung intergeschlechtlicher Identiäten und Vorbilder. Katinka Schweizer. Klett-Cotta. 2018. ISNN 0942-6051

potatoes go wild. fruchtbere grĂ´nd. European cultural capital 2018. Leeuwarden. 2018. ISBN 978-90-77448-17-5

DEN BEVÆGEDE KUFFERT. Symposium at Faxe Kalkbrud. BAK Lübeck. 2018. ISBN 978-3-00-059201-0

Sie und Er: Wer sind wir?. KUNSTSTATION KLEINSASSEN.2018. ISBN 978-3-920563-75-3

ART-FIGURA 2017 Perla Castrum. 2017. Schwarzenberg

… mit eigenen Augen zu sehen. FREIHEIT DER GEDANKEN. BBK Schleswig-Holstein. 2017. ISBN 978-3-920563-75-3

Edition S41. DSV KUNSTKONTOR Deutscher Sparkassenverlag. 2016